Friday, November 1, 2013

A little (walking) Carolina boy

Will Thomsen, #83
Will was supposed to be a Carolina football player for Halloween, but the black paint under his eyes lasted about 90 seconds, so we wiped it off, put on his baseball cap (which lasted about 91 seconds), and called him a Carolina fan (which actually is flawed because on Halloween you're supposed to dress up like someone or something you're not. Be assured, there's no pretending here, folks.) Whatever the case, he's turning out to be the best thing to happen to Carolina sports this year.
We celebrated the season by taking our neighbors with us to the Fall Festival at church, and then we had the family over to give the new fire pit a workout.
And in other news: Our little Carolina fan now walks. He has been taking steps for over a month now, but just last week he decided that walking would be his normal mode of transportation. So there you have it: Will walks. (And he thought life was grand on all fours. Just wait, Will!)

Trip #1 down the slide: Safely on daddy's lap.
Trip #2 down the slide: Daddy let him go BY HIMSELF. Mommy does not
have a picture of this because she was too busy rescuing shocked baby at the bottom
of the slide.


And last but not least: Walking introduces us to a whole new class of injuries.
Here's busted lip #1. I am so mean for taking this picture.


  1. I am dying over here. He's such a sweet precious little boy. He's walking?? I (obviously) love the Carolina gear and Halloween costume idea (s). And lastly, I know how the poor boy feels with a busted mouth. Poor Baby. Tell him Aunt B understands. Cant wait to party at the fire pit with you.

  2. Yay for walking!!!

    And, yes, walking does usher in the era of bumps and bruises.

    We did the slide the same way, and then on the second trip down the guy yelled at me that I had to let N go down by herself. Of course, SHE thought it was fabulous.... I was a little less sure... :)
