Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Carolina long spoons

These two pictures are completely unrelated, except that they're both memories that belong on the blog.

Maybe all babies are this way, but Will is obsessed with
 kitchen utensils. I can fill a drawer with toys upon toys, and
still he reaches for the spoons and spatulas. Here he is multitasking.
I'll never look at my drawer of utensils the same way again.

And here's Ryan and Will at Will's first UNC basketball game.
The band, buzzer, people, and lights were enough to keep him
entertained for the first half. I was surprised. A box of popcorn
did the trick the second half. We will not mention the terrible loss
to a no-name team that was Will's first UNC game. I maintain
 that Will is the best thing to happen to the Heels this year (like I said
at Halloween).

1 comment:

  1. Yep, kitchen utensils trump most toys around our house, too. (At least in the 9months-24 month age range). I put locks on the drawers/doors I really didn't want Leiana getting into, but left them off the wooden spoon/spatula drawer and the tupperware cabinet... because, really, besides the (pretty easy to clean up) mess... what's the harm in letting them think being in the kitchen is super fun?
