Friday, November 15, 2013

Don't you want to go to Mexico?

Ryan has worked so hard that he earned us a vacation to Mexico next April. We decided we don't want to leave Will at the border, so we're in the process of getting him a passport.

First things first, the photo. I read all of the photo requirements on the passport website and decided I better have it taken professionally. So last Monday, Will and I went to the post office for his mug shot. Suffice it to say, our first attempt was a fail. After forty-five minutes of standing in line, getting turned down by several employees when I asked for help, and finally working unsuccessfully with the lady from the mail counter to get a picture of Will, straight on, both ears showing, and a completely white background (which for babies is a white sheet), I decided to just come back another day.

When we got there a few days later on Thursday, the woman who told me on Monday that she was not the passport lady and could not help me get Will's picture was standing behind the passport desk, smiling. By the grace of God, I held it in. This woman held the power to get me out of there, and one step closer to Mexico.

Here's a replay of Thursday:

Me: Do you think we could try leaving him in his stroller and just draping the white sheet over the back of that?
Passport lady: No, why don't you hold him in front of that white backdrop hanging from the wall over there. You get behind it and hold him in front of it.
Me: (getting into requested position) Uh, okay.
Will: (craning his neck to see where mommy went) Yaya, Uh oh, Uh oh.
Lady: Oh, we can see your hands in this picture. We probably need to try another way.
Me: (silently) Um yeah. You told me to hold him. Of course you can see my hands.
Me: Want to try the stroller?
Lady: No, let's have you drape this white sheet over your head and hold him that way.
Me: (getting into requested position) Uh, okay.
Will: (craning his neck to see where mommy went) Yayaya, yayaya, Uh Oh.
Lady: Will, look over here, look over here.
Lady: Yeah, that's not good either.
Me: How about the stroller?
Lady: Okay, let's try the stroller. It probably won't work, but let's try it.
Will: (with increasing loudness) Yayayaya, yayaya, Uh oh. Uh oh!
Me: (reaching in my bag for the big guns: the M&Ms) Here you go, Will. Here's an M&M.
Will: (louder still) Yayayaya, Uh oh, Uh oh Uh oh!
Me: (leaning over the lady, jiggling my bag of M&Ms above the camera) Will, look at the lady. Look at the lady. Don't you want to go to Mexico?
Lady: Yes, this one will do.
Me: (silently) I told you so.
Me: Oh good. Thank you so much for your help.

And the end result:

Only his mama knows that's his "I'm-eating-an-M&M face"
Just for fun, here's failed attempt #1. (Passport lady didn't let me keep failed attempt #2).

Step one to Mexico: Get Will's passport photo.



  1. I'm sure Will appreciates that his parents don't want to just leave him at the border. :) hahaha.

    He's so cute!!!!!

  2. Ok, I was seriously laughing the whole way through. Well worth documenting that. I love the failed attempt pic since we know the story behind it and can see your hands and know the thoughts running through your head. So funny. And secondly, WOW. That successful pic is seriously like the cutest pic ever. I don't think most people frame a passport pic, but you really need to consider it. That is precious. He is so cute!

  3. So funny!

    I want to go to Mexico too!! Nice job perk.
