Monday, October 7, 2013

S'mores, anyone?

I decided these pictures deserved their own post, lest the black cakey stuff all over Will be mistaken for birthday cake. Cake it is not. Ryan and I are excited about Fall. So we just finished building a fire pit on the property, for all the things a big crackling fire is good for: the smell, the sound, and most important, the s'mores. Not to be left out, Will got down and dirty with us, too.

Of course the final product of a fire pit is the evening friends and family come over to enjoy it. Once we have pictures of that, I'll be sure to post.

For now, here's the start to finish of our new fire pit, little dirty helper and all:


While digging the pit, we found a disintegrating mattress.
I mean, of course.

D & A, we promise Dino will be clean when we return him to you



  1. Pretty!

    How does one go about securing an invitation to come make s'mores? :)

  2. Haha! We would LOVE for y'all to come, Jenelle! Let's look at our calendars. Maybe we can get a few couples together. I mean, who doesn't like a s'more?! :) Thanks again for reading.

  3. Glad dino was a part of the fire pit making! It makes him more special.
