Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The love of a grand

Or in this case a Grand and a Great-Grand. Grandpa Steve and Great Grandma Evey came for a visit this past week. Besides the wonderful meals and conversation they treated us to, we all had front-row seats to the highly energetic, highly acclaimed Will show. I thought only a mother could sit happily for hours just watching her kid play. But I wasn't thinking of the greats and grands in Will's life, who do stuff like this:

and this:

and this:
Will sure loves Grandpa Steve and GG Evey.
And so do we!

Thank you, Steve and Grams, for a wonderful visit. You came to us, but you always make it feel as if we are the guests of honor. Steve, thank you for aptly labeling Will's screams and squeals as enthusiasm. He gets that enthusiasm from you. Thank you for being our biggest fans, for encouraging us the way you do, and for loving life the way we all should. And Grams, thank you for displaying the fruits of the Spirit in all things. By God's grace, we intend to pass along to Will your faith, generosity, thoughtfulness, gentleness, and kindness. Great and grand -- that you are!
We love you both!

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! I love seeing those photos. What a special visit. Cant wait to see you all in person :)
