Friday, August 2, 2013

Dear Will, you're happy, loud, curious, funny... and we love you

Dear Will,
Seeing as you're about to turn one, mama is getting nostalgic and sentimental. The Johnson's baby commercial this morning hit a nerve. I'm not going to get sappy, but I'm going to take a minute to tell you how wonderful you are.
We just got home from lunch at daddy's office. I was so worried you'd fall asleep in the car and then not want to nap when we got home. So, we gave you a pink highlighter before we left, and that simple device did the trick. That, and the game we play where I laugh and then you laugh and we keep going like that until something else distracts us. Shelly is coming tonight so that daddy and I can go out, so I wanted you rested and your usual happy self for her. Between the highlighter, our laughing game, my siren noises, and eventually my cell phone, you stayed conscious and are now sleeping upstairs.
I've officially been a full-time, stay-at-home mom now for three weeks, and there's not a job on earth better suited for me. We have our routine, where daddy gets up with you in the morning, gives you a bottle, and puts you back down. And then I get you around 7:30 or so. You're usually standing up in your crib when I walk in your room, and there's not a better morning pick-me-up than your excited welcome when I open your bedroom door. We eat breakfast, and lately you've discovered that my cereal has raisins in it, so you pull up on my chair when you see my cereal bowl and pant like a dog for my raisins. We go out for a run (yesterday you found a travel-size bottle of lotion that you had to take with you), and then it's nap time when we get back. After your nap, you get a bottle and then lunch, and in between you almost surely open your kitchen drawer and pull out all the utensils, then you head for the pantry, and then the stairs. Fisher Price should start making bottles of lotion, highlighters, long spoons, tic-tac boxes, empty food containers, clothespins, remote controls, power cords, potting soil, Swiffer mops, bathroom rugs, and coasters because these are just a few of your favorite things.
After your afternoon nap, we sometimes see friends or go shopping, and then it's dinner, bath, and bedtime. I wish you'd sit still for me to read books to you, but you'll learn how great books are. I know you will.
The adjective I most often hear in reference to you? Happy. And secondly, Cute. You smile and laugh unprompted, which means we get double the reaction when we work for it. As far as who you look like, my conclusion is that it's a dead-even split. When you were first born, everyone said daddy. Then, I started hearing me. Just this week, I've heard daddy again three times. We're happy to claim you, for a million reasons.
You'll be walking soon. Oh goodness, world, get ready for when Will walks. No, I take that back. I have a feeling you'll run instead of walk once you know how. You are busy. Places to go, people to see, new air vents to discover, bathroom drawers to open, throw rugs to look under. I cherish the time that remains when you still need me to pick you up and carry you places. Soon, too, your chatter will become real words, and the world should get ready for that, too. I can imagine what you're saying sometimes: "No, I don't want to nap," "Mom, how do blinds work?" "Why can't I touch that power cord?" "Isn't life wonderful? Look at this spoon and these blocks and those furry red pillows." But when actual words start coming out, I think we're all going to have to fasten our seatbelts. You are smart, curious, and funny. I can't wait to hear what you have to say.
The Johnson's commercial that pulled a heart string this morning was of a baby, younger than you, "talking" to his mom, telling her she's doing good, he hopes it's okay if he calls her mom, and he loves her. I trust from your smiles you think daddy and I are pretty okay. And I hope you can tell from everything we do and say how much we love you, our spunky, happy, curious, wonderful child.

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