Saturday, January 4, 2014


I'm late posting this, but Ryan's birthday bon fire got rained out last month. To make up for it, we had the family over for burgers (because Ryan's idea of the perfect evening is one where he does the hosting and the cooking -- gotta love that about him!).

First we celebrated just the three of us with cake and presents:

Cake cred to Whole Foods!
You'd have thought it was Will's birthday

And then a few nights later we had the family over:

It was my goal for the night to get a good picture of Will and Graham wearing their matching Christmas t-shirts:

Graham's looking

Now Will's looking

Now Graham's looking at something else

Then Will wants to touch the camera

And then he steals Graham's phone

And tries mightily to get away (look at that face!)

Now no one has the phone. (But Will's looking for it.)

Then Graham needs to stretch
While Will contemplates eating the pillow (Good job, though, Graham)

So we give Will a spatula. (But it doesn't buy us any looks.)
Until this. Finally. Sort of.

Oddly enough, you know what the best pic of all was?

The one where neither was looking!
Cute cousin love.

Okay, or maybe best pic is a tie between that one and this one:

Grandpa love

Whatever the case, Happy (belated) Birthday, Ryan! From your family of crazies.


  1. found you :) just read thru some of your posts (esp about your mom) and am sitting here thanking God I can call you my friend and sister in Christ :) Love you.

    1. Thanks for reading and for your comment, Casey. Love you back.
