Thursday, September 19, 2013

Did someone say CAKE?!

Happy first birthday, Will!
You should feel so privileged--we started celebrating your birthday back in August when Grandpa Steve and GG Evey came to visit, and we were still celebrating on Tuesday, when Mimi came with a cupcake and presents! And that's not to mention your party last weekend! Grandma Jan flew all the way from California for that, and of course your Raleigh family didn't miss it. You loved your cake, especially after daddy smashed your hand in it. It's as if you needed permission, but once the deed was done, you dove right in, and the pictures prove it. Thanks to your many fans, you're now the owner of a monogrammed backpack, a lunchbox, a toy truck, even a silver piggy bank, among lots of other things.
We sure love you, buddy, and we're proud to be your parents! One is gonna be fun! 
P.S. Make sure you give Grandma Jan a big hug next time you see her. If it wasn't for her last week, we could not have pulled off your party.  Let's just say you don't often play by yourself...
We LOVE you!









  1. I love the messy cake 1st birthday pictures!!! :) So stinkin' adorable!

  2. That cake is awesome!!! He is sooo cute!
