Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Stumbling upon ten acres

In early May, Ryan and I signed the dotted line on 10.3 acres of property in Wake County, about 7 minutes from our townhouse if you hit it right. I'll probably forever say that we "stumbled upon" it, which is really the truth. Ryan was looking online to see where a friend had recently moved when he noticed this land on an aerial map. Forever curious, he drove out to see it for himself. I could say the rest is history, but that wouldn't give credit where it's due.
Ryan took me to see the land, which had a house on it, a dance barn, a horse farm, large indoor and outdoor storage units, trees galore, and three open fields you could play football on. I literally thought he was crazy. I thought he was so crazy that I didn't even fight him on it. I figured I was being a good wife by letting him dream. A few weeks went by, and Ryan was still talking about this property. He had been doing research on it, talking to both realtors and to banks. I finally asked him one night if he was really serious. I don't remember how long it took me to get on board. I went from indulging my husband to incredulous to resigned to afraid to excited.
So, as often as we might say we stumbled upon this land, we only mean we weren't looking for it when we found it. My persistent husband worked hard in more ways than one to make it happen.

The day we signed the dotted line


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